Selected Results

The following links contain short summaries of selected papers.

C. Kraglund Andersen, et al., npj Quantum Information 5, 69, published 15 August 2019

The long-term success of quantum computers relies on the ability to perform fault-tolerant quantum computations using quantum error correction. In this approach, errors are detected through the repeated measurement of multi-qubit parity operators and corrected using feedback operations conditioned on the measurement outcomes.

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A. Stockklauser et al., Phys. Rev. X 7, 011030, published 9 March 2017

The efficient transfer of energy across different quantum systems - an essential ingredient to quantum-information-processing protocols - requires that the coupling between these systems is stronger than the decay rate of either one.

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T. Thiele et al., Phys. Rev. A 92, 063425, published 28 December 2015

In this article, we present a simple technique that measures static and microwave field distributions on a mm-scale and with a resolution of approximately 100 micrometer in the vicinity of a superconducting, chip-based microwave guide.

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C. Eichler et al., Phys. Rev. X 5, 041044, published 16 December  2015

Entanglement correlations between particles constitute one of the most striking phenomena in quantum physics. Many key properties of materials, such as superconductivity or magnetism, are governed by those intricate quantum relations between particles. Understanding and modeling these complex properties are often based on a systematic restriction of the underlying parameter space to its relevant part. Here, we explore this concept using a quantum computing device rather than a classical computer.

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S. Berger et al., Nat. Commun. 6, 8757, published 30 October 2015

Talking to friends in a crowded venue is sometimes difficult: the information one tries to get across gets washed out in the noisy environment. In this respect, quantum systems are no different. When they interact with the environment, they are subject to dephasing which ultimately destroys the information they hold. 

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